Biofuture @COP23 High Level Event
Thu, Nov 16
The high-level event of the Biofuture Platform is sponsored by the Brazilian government and the Center for Strategic Studies (CGEE) on the occasion of the UNFCCC COP-23 high-level segment.

Time & Location
Nov 16, 2017, 6:30 PM
Bonn, World Conference Center, Bonn, Germany, Conference Room 12, "Bonn Zone"Bonn, Alemanha
About the event
The high-level event of the Biofuture Platform is sponsored by the Brazilian government and the Center for Strategic Studies (CGEE) on the occasion of the UNFCCC COP-23 high-level segment.
On the occasion, ministers, heads of delegation, and high-level representatives of the Biofuture Platform partner countries and international organizations will review the results achieved since the launch of the initiative and together endorse the Biofuture Platform Vision Statement.
The event will also feature the RenovaBio program as a policy action example at national level which is relevant to implementing the Biofuture Platform´s Vision and the Paris Agreement.
The accredited press and delegates with access to the UNFCCC “Bonn Zone” are invited to attend.
Contact: Adriano Bonotto via
18h30 Presentation of the Biofuture Vision Statement “Scaling Up the Low Carbon Bioeconomy: An Urgent and Vital Challenge” – Ambassador J. Antonio Marcondes, Undersecretary for Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, Brazil
18h35 Endorsement of the Biofuture Vision Statement by its Country Members and Official Photograph.
18h40 Address by José Sarney Filho, Minister of the Environment, Brazil
18h55 Addresses by Ministers from Biofuture Platform Member Countries
19h25 Address by Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)
19h30 Address by Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
19h35 Address by Rachel Kyte, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL)
19h40 Presentation of the results of the I Biofuture Summit and update on the work of the Biofuture “State of the Advanced Low Carbon Bioeconomy” report. – Marcelo Khaled Poppe, Center for Strategic Studies and Management in Science, Technology and Innovation (CGEE)
19h45 Highlighting policy action at the national level: Brazil´s new Renovabio programme
19h50 Closing remarks – Alfredo Hélio Sirkis, Executive Secretary, Climate Change Forum, Brazil – J. Antonio Marcondes, Undersecretary for Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, Brazil