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The Biofuture Platform Initiative Launch: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy

Wed, Sep 16


Presented by some of the industry's major players, this event will mark the official launching of the Biofuture Platform’s Initiative within the framework of the Clean Energy Ministerial.

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The Biofuture Platform Initiative Launch: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy
The Biofuture Platform Initiative Launch: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy

Time & Location

Sep 16, 2020, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM GMT+2

About the event

11th Clean Energy Ministerial Meeting Pre-Event

The Biofuture Platform Initiative: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy    Wednesday 16 September 2020, 16:00 – 17:00 CET



Building on collaborative efforts of 20 countries over the past 4 years, this virtual event will launch the Biofuture Platform Initiative as a new CEM workstream. The initiative aims to raise international ambition and advance sustainable bioenergy production, trade and use globally, via analysis, policies, programs and projects, making bioenergy a key enabler in clean energy transitions. It will also further strengthen international dialogue among key policy and decision makers about the benefits, opportunities and priorities to scale up sustainable bioenergy and accelerate the bioeconomy worldwide. The Biofuture Platform Initiative will be implemented in close partnership with the private sector.

Bioenergy is the overlooked giant of the renewable energy sector. One of the most labour-intensive energy industries, it is paramount to a successful transition to low-carbon energy systems and should be central to recovery plans, as one of the hardest-hit sectors by COVID-19 impacts.

CONTACT: Biofuture Platform Facilitator, Mr. Andrea Rossi, at 


16:00 - Launch of Biofuture Platform Initiative: Opening and scene-setting

  • Opening by Mr. Bento Albuquerque, Minister of Mines and Energy, Brazil
  • Keynote and scene-setting by Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director,International Energy Agency (IEA)

Event moderators: Mr. Renato D. Godinho (Biofuture Platform Chair, Brazil); and Dr. Paolo Frankl (Head Renewable Energy Division, IEA)

Interventions by Initiative Co-leads

  • Mr. Shawn Tupper, Associate Deputy Minister, Natural Resources, Canada
  • Mr. Daniel R. Simmons, Assistant Secretary, Office of Energy Efficiency andRenewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, USA
  • Dr. Renu Swarup, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology,Ministry of Science and Technology, India (tbc)
  • Ms. Julia Nolan, Head of International Energy, UK
  • Mr. Thiago Barral, CEM Sherpa for Brazil; President, Energy Planning Agency,BrazilVideo intervention by Mr. Arifin Tasrif, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia (tbc)

Other interventions

 Mr. FX Sutijastoto, Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia

Industry perspectives

  • Dr. Pramod Chaudhari, Executive Chairman, Praj Industries
  • Mr. Peter Vanacker, President and CEO, Neste Corporation
  • Ms. Geneviève Brisson, Senior Director for Global Government Affairs,Enerkem Inc.
  • Panel Q&A  
  • 17h00 - Closing words

For registration and online attendance, please go through the registration form in 11th CEM Meeting's hotsite and make sure to mark the checkbox in the event titled: The Biofuture Platform Initiative Launch: Accelerating the Transition to a Sustainable Low-Carbon Bioeconomy. 

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