UPDATE: Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the joint Biofuture Summit II / BBEST conference has been postponed. The new dates have been tentatively set to November 30 to December 2nd, 2020. Check the open letter from the conference chairs in the event's website.
From March 30 to April 1st, São Paulo, Brazil, will be hosting the Biofuture Summit II, as a follow-up to its first edition in 2017, in conjunction with the fourth edition of the Brazilian Bioenergy Science and Technology Conference (BBEST), which has the goal of debating the current bioenergy and bioeconomy development.
Biofuture Summit and BBEST 2020 will bring together leading specialists, policy makers and entrepreneurs to discuss and present the future of global bioenergy and bioeconomy in importante topics, such as policies, sustainability, biomass, biofuel technologies, biorefineries and the aplications of biofuel engines in aviation.
The conference's main goals are to reinforce international awareness about the need to scale up the sustainable low carbon bioeconomy, share lessons and exchange experiences on the bioeconomy sector, showcase the private sector´s current activities and consolidate the work of the Biofuture Platform as a premier international forum for advancing the sustainable low carbon bioeconomy debate.
It will be participating of the event countries, entrepreneurs, and scientists around the world who are already trying policies, practices, and technologies to achieve this goal, and to overcome sustainable low carbon bioeconomy barriers and put it back on track.
The Summit is jointly organized by the government of Brazil as a Member of the Biofuture Platform, a 20-government multilateral initiative; by the International Energy Agency (IEA), as the Biofuture Platform´s Facilitator; by Brazil's International Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (APEX-Brasil) and by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
To learn more information about the conference, please visit the event oficial website: https://www.bbest-biofuture.org/